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I am outraged. 

I am fearful. I am angry. I am disappointed.

But I am powerful.

I must never forget that.

On this Inauguration Day, I chose to participate in the national Women’s Strike that is taking place 01/20 & 01/21. I am striking from paid work, because ~75% of all K-12 teachers are women. In this job, we receive less pay than those in analogous positions. We receive attacks based on student performance and administrative evaluation of teacher performance in the classroom, and some variables within each of these criteria teacher have no control over. I strike against all of the men who think it is Ok to write me insidious, patronizing, cruel, condescending, sexist, etc… online dating messages…

But even with me utilizing a valuable day of personal time for my independent strike, I will be active. I will stand up and support my community by active protest of the incoming President by volunteering my valuable time. In this case, signed up to to be a part of the linked Tampa Inauguration Active Protest. By signing up I was assigned to volunteer at the Florida Learning Garden. When you go to the fair this year, any quantity of mulch I touch will be anti-Trump mulch. Any plants I help to grow will be plants that help to resist the destructive power of Trump’s regime.

In the afternoon, I will rally. I will meet up with fellow citizens to protest Trump’s inauguration as our President.

The Presidency is supposed to be a position that best represents the interests of our country. Trump, through is actions since election day (Google them and use reputable sources), has already decided not to do that.

I will be rallying for gender, LGBTQ, racial, religious equity and equality. I will rally for healthcare for all! I will rally for the arts.

Saturday I will join the Women’s March St. Pete. This march is in solidarity with the Women’s March taking place in Washington, D.C. There I will be marching for many of the same reasons as I had for the People’s Inauguration: healthcare for all, gender & LGBTQ equality, racial equality, funding for the arts! I will march in defiance of an outright bigot, racist, sexist taking the office of one of the most powerful positions in American politics. 

I will march to show my support and my engagement in the resistance against any policies that hurt women, LGBTQ, different races, immigrants, and the arts.

I am powerful.

We are powerful.

We will resist this black mark in American history.

We will make our government one “by the people” once again.

But not yet. Right now there is bigger work to do. We must prepare for when the country is truly ours again. We must march! We must rally! We must call and write and e-mail and Tweet and message our state and federal representatives to hold them accountable. The represent us, after all. Our interests.

No really. They work for us. Not the other way around. 

It’s true.

Hold them to it.

Never back down.

Call them, write the, hire an airplane to make smoke clouds in the sky! Contact your representatives.

You are NOT powerless. We CAN make change.

I hope you will join me in standing up for what is right. That can take oh, so many forms.

This weekend. These next two years. These next four years. All of them are extremely political. Will you join me in standing up for what is right? Will you stand up for taking care of all Americans?

Whatever you say, don’t just say it. Do it.

Throwing tea overboard a ship is what, in part, started a Revolution. Action. Not sharing a post. Not idle complaining. Action.

What are you doing to make a difference? Join us!

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