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A Little Magic

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It’s really amazing how simple it is to brighten someone’s day.

I go to Nicko’s Diner pretty often. It’s close, the food is good, and so is the service. Since often go by myself, I sit at the counter along with anyone else who might be there.

One of the first times I ever sat at the counter, Nick, the owner of the place, came and did card and other magic tricks for those who were sitting nearby. No pun intended, but it was magical. He had a bunch of adults grinning, laughing, and staring in wonder while eating their breakfasts.

I went today, and the effect was the same. I got to experience the little bits of magic Nick created, both literally and figuratively. An a man in his 20s or early 30s with a small child (perhaps 1 to 1.5 years old) sat next to me and an older man in his 50s sat next to them. Nick asked the younger man for a dollar. The man handed Nick a ten dollar bill instead. Nick poked a hole in the bill with a pen, but when he pulled the pen out the bill was whole! He made cards appear and disappear. He made a small scarf disappear. At one point he turned a $1 bill into a $5 bill. I guessed that was why Nick was such a good business man. All of us were grinning and trying to figure out how he did it.

I like going to Nicko’s and enjoying my coffee and breakfast while reading and hearing the sound of people around me. But when Nick is there and performs magic tricks, the trip is extra special.

If you are ever nearby, stop and get something to eat. Make sure to sit at the counter! Maybe Nick will put a little magic in your day too.

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