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Balanced in Chaos

09172015_Cold Remedy
Christy’s cold remedy. Soon-to-be in a store near you… 😉

I’ve worked as a high school teacher for about 6 full months now. It’s official: I have my first teacher cold.

But don’t worry. I’ve developed a time honored cold remedy that’s sure to knock it out quickly! Cider (or beer)*, ice cream, NyQuil (or generic alternatives), and cough drops.

I’m not surprised that I’m sick. I’ve been putting in too many 12 hour days. I haven’t been getting enough sleep, or it hasn’t felt like I have. I’m off balance, and I don’t see how I can gain that balance in the near future. I’ve got at least one more month of craziness until I even out again. Even after that, I need to figure out how to take home less work and to do more fun stuff.

It’s funny how quickly you can get out of equilibrium. I know that to be healthy I need to take care of myself. But when faced with a to-do list, somehow I still push that particular to-do to the end.

I did treat myself to a house concert last weekend. It was wonderful and refreshing. I promised myself I’ll shoot my bow this weekend. It’s been too long.

I also want/need to get back into running. The 15k I signed up for is going to be a wash. I haven’t been training both due to an injury and to busy-ness. I’ve already considered not even going, so that I can sleep in. We’ll see how I feel that day. At least the money is going to a good cause.

I am looking forward to this year’s Hillsborough County Arts Council’s 5×5 event. I created my submissions early. This will be my fourth year participating! I’ll be going to the actual event the day after my dissertation defense.

C.M. Foust 2015
C.M. Foust 2015

So, I am doing things to feed my soul. And teaching also feeds my soul. But I do need to do more of the other things to feel whole and healthy. And I need a good amount of sleep. Right now I’m not there.

Amongst the chaos, I am definitely not balanced.

I’ll figure it out though… And at least I’m aware there’s a problem.

Regardless, I’m still in mostly good spirits. I think I’m being a bit more blunt right now than maybe I should, but other than that I’m Ok.

One more month….

*Drink responsibly, and if in America don’t drink until you are 21.

Living Daringly