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Daily Ramblings

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A cold has been having it’s way with me for about a week-and-a-half now. I think the recent stress in my life is allowing it to persist longer than usual. I hope it goes away soon.

I took the General Knowledge Test today, which is one of the tests I need to ultimately obtain my certification as a Florida state public school teacher. I think I did pretty well, and I was having fun during three out of the four parts (i.e. essay, English language skills, and math). I thought some of the questions in the reading section were poorly worded…

Next week I’ll take my Subject Area Examination (i.e. Biology 6-12). That one will be tougher. Biology covers a lot of ground…

I’m excited to get the ball rolling on my post-graduation career. I know I’ll be blogging more about this process and my decision to pursue this career in the future…

It seems that my apartment complex is taking care of its residents post-electrical fiasco. They’ve provided a goodly amount to cover the groceries we lost, and they are offering what amounts to about 50% of my rent to offset the time I was away. Considering I was gone five days, that seems like a good deal. 

I’m still relieved to be back home. Even though I was only gone five days, I really missed my place by the river.


There’s no place like home…

At the end of the month I’ll be participating in Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission‘s Becoming an Outdoors Woman program. I am supremely excited about this opportunity to shoot shotguns and bows and arrows, and to learn to track wildlife and navigate in the wild. If the zombie apocalypse really does happen, I’ll be your girl after this program.

I felt like I wanted to write, so thank you for reading my ramblings for today. 🙂

Living Daringly