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Happy 37th Birthday

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I’m a pretty big proponent of birthday celebrations, and not just my own.

You see, I think it’s really important to take time to reflect your impact on the world. Birthdays are a time to realize and reflect that if you weren’t born, the world would be a different place. Perhaps a very different place.

I also think it’s time for friends to reflect. When I see a friend’s birthday come up, I think about their importance in my life. When I write that birthday wish in a card or in another message, I try to convey that importance to them. Because the reality is, my life would be very different if they weren’t in it.

So, today is my birthday. I’ve experienced great triumphs over the past 37 years. I’ve also experienced great defeats. In recent years I’ve developed a better sense of love. I’ve developed more meaningful relationships. I’ve created original poetry, art, music, science, blog posts… I’ve traveled around the world. I stay mostly healthy. I take better care of myself than I ever have. I try to share my story in the hopes that it is inspiring and helpful to others. I try to live an honest, vulnerable life.

I like to think the world is a better place since I’m around. I want to keep that trend going…

I created a pretty good 36th year, with help from those in my life.

I’m really looking forward to creating myself again as I enter my 37th year. I can’t wait to see what it brings!

A blogger friend shared this quote with me in an early birthday wish. It’s such a good birthday quote… <3

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