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School’s In Tomorrow

keep-calm-school-starts-tomorrow-3*Blog title to the tune of Pink Floyd’s “School’s Out for Summer.”*

Pink Floyd was singing a different set of lyrics, but for me and the other teachers in the county school will be in tomorrow. We’ve got a week of “planning days” before the big shebang starts up on August 10.

(Last year “planning days” were a lot of trainings and meetings with a few hours of planning scattered in. We’ll see how it goes this  year.)

I’ve had 7 weeks off since school ended in June. I saved up enough so I wouldn’t have to work, so these 7 weeks have been made up of things I’d like to do.

If you’ve been following along on my blog, you’ve seen a bit of what I’ve been doing: lots of exploring and photography and reflection. I’ve been sleeping in. I did a bit of painting and crafting. I’ve been exploring St. Pete restaurants and breweries. I’ve been hanging out with friends. I joined a running social club, and I’ve been practicing a lot of yoga. I backdated and organized friends’ house concert website.

I completed most of the goals I set for myself earlier this summer. Two things got set to the side: my Etsy site and my hypothetical book. My new deadline for the Etsy site is August 30. I’m trying to decide if the book is still a priority, and if fear is the thing that might be trying to not make it one. I’m still pondering on that.

But for today, I decided to have a mini-celebration in honor of my last day before I head back to work. I slept in a bit and made myself a nice breakfast. Then I went and got a haircut that I’m more pleased with than the one I received last month (It wasn’t terrible, but it was a little lopsided.). Then a nap! (Probably the last I’ll have in awhile.) Then a walk down to Beach Blvd. for gelato (a scoop of chocolate mocha swirl and one of coconut).

He stands about 3′ tall.

Then a walk across the street to the St. Pete Museum of Fine Art. I love the Shiva and Buddha exhibit room. Three girls were mocking the large dancing Shiva. I thought they were in their 20s at first, but they acted much younger. I don’t think they realize that he is stomping on ignorance as he dances. I couldn’t help but smile when I thought of him giving those girls a bit of a kick as he dances on by.

I gave my floors a good sweeping when I got home. I’m going to be better about keeping up with domestic duties (I swear!), but I thought it was a good idea to do that before the school year starts.

Now I’m writing this post as I wait to go to my running club. I’m glad I joined this club, because it’s helping me make new friends. Though I only moved 30 miles away, that distance has been far enough to be a bit isolating. Few people want to traverse the bridge on a weeknight…

Tomorrow it will be back to a somewhat regular routine. And regular paychecks, which will be nice. Nothing like being on a 10 month contract and having to plan for those two other months.

I’ll be up at 5:30 a.m. in order to get some breakfast and get my lunch together before heading out on my new commute. I’m looking forward to seeing my colleagues. In general, I’m looking forward to a new school year. It’s going to be a good one!

And, I promise to try my best not to be one of the teachers that Pink Floyd is singing about. I want these students to like science and to think about things, not just be bricks in the wall…

Living Daringly