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These two things are true:

  1. My mental and physical health is precious and deserves care.
  2. I can’t get everything done for teaching three different classes with a total of 125 students during my normal workday, so I have to put in extra hours after.

But how to balance both truths.Read More »Dualities

Mistakes and Accountability

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Last Wednesday I messed up big with one of my classes.

It was getting close to time for the bell to ring. I checked the cabinet with the tablets and one was missing.

“Oh no. Not again.” Someone had truly taken one on Monday. I got it back, but I thought it was happening all over again.Read More »Mistakes and Accountability

Do or Do Not

“There is no try,” according to Master Yoda.

It happens. You get on a good streak for your healthy eating habits, exercise regime, doing your constructive hobbies. Maybe it’s weeks long. Maybe months. Maybe even years. You’re doing it!

And then something interrupts. A busy time. A sickness. A relationship with a new lover. The addition of a new family member. Then you stop taking care of yourself quite as well as you once did. You are no longer doing it. You certainly aren’t trying.

And you start to feel it.Read More »Do or Do Not

Living Daringly