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Dream Job

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I really like being a teacher. Admittedly, I do much better with students who actually want to learn what I have to offer. I do… Read More »Dream Job

Do or Do Not

“There is no try,” according to Master Yoda.

It happens. You get on a good streak for your healthy eating habits, exercise regime, doing your constructive hobbies. Maybe it’s weeks long. Maybe months. Maybe even years. You’re doing it!

And then something interrupts. A busy time. A sickness. A relationship with a new lover. The addition of a new family member. Then you stop taking care of yourself quite as well as you once did. You are no longer doing it. You certainly aren’t trying.

And you start to feel it.Read More »Do or Do Not

Winds of Change

It may be cliché, but I feel them blowing. Cold air has been moving into Florida. Yoga is becoming a bigger part of my life. I’m making temporal space for my arts and crafts, and I will be researching where I might be able to sell them locally. (Though if you aren’t local or just can’t wait, you can buy anytime from the LD Shop!!)Read More »Winds of Change

Yoga and Hurricanes

Yoga (i.e. asana) is supposed to help align your body with your mind/spirit/whatever. It’s supposed to be a reflection of how you deal with the real world. Maybe you are faced with a particularly challenging pose. Do you face the challenging, sticking with it no matter how much it begins to hurt? Do you automatically choose a resting pose and fall into that? Do you try it, and then take a resting pose once you realize you need it? Do you do the same thing in your regular life?

Read More »Yoga and Hurricanes

Living Daringly