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When Opportunity Knocks

Opportunity-Knocks-300x134I’ve had some interesting things to ponder the past few days.

Key chain_01I posted about the gifts I made for my graduating Seniors. Turns out they were a big hit, and I sold five of them to friends!

One of those friends was even asking about buying more to sell at her business.

This got me thinking about creating an Etsy site to sell my artwork and the different crafts I make. It’s something I’ve thought about off-and-on for quite a long time. Mostly I’ve held off because I don’t feel like there is a central theme to what I create or when I create it.

Those things are still true, but I might push on and see how it goes nonetheless.

The products will be eclectic. Everything from paintings, to photography, to key chains, to jewelry, to mosaics, to ??? will be included.

Perhaps I’ll find a way to work my poetry in there as well.

I’ve never seriously thought about making money from my living daringly work. But it would be nice to have some additional income for the creative pursuits that feed my soul. And there have been quite a lot of people who have praised some of my different creative endeavors, so there must be a bit of a market for my form of creativity.

So, stay tuned! Living Daringly the Etsy version will exist in the very near future!

Living Daringly