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2025 Bad Poet: Day 14

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Today’s prompt was to write a recipe, or a food poem, or a poem you can eat. I think this still qualifies. And here’s my “yodel” daily drawing too. (It’s in columns, since my notebook pages are smallish. So read it left column, top to bottom. Then go to next column.)

I can smell it
and it permeates
to my taste buds

I’m throwing this
god damned thing
in the trash

This shit sandwich

I know I helped
make it
one way or another

Directly, Indirectly
with a side of occasional

Nothing can fix
the fly eaten
moldy bread

No Sriacha
will cover
the taste

I didn’t mean
to help
but here we are

Shit sandwiches
for all

It’s a matter of time
until they
charge for these too

I see some
gobbling theirs

Asking for more even!

But I can’t
hold my nose
and gag it down

I changed my mind
no trash for this
shit sandwich

Right in the face
of the Orange Man instead

What connects with you? How does this make you feel?