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2025 Bad Poet: Day 8

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Today’s prompt was a free write. Technically, I’m not supposed to share the whole thing. But it’s all in one picture, so it’s all below. About 5 minutes worth. And my “courage” daily drawing.

10 minutes?
what the hell?
the Orange in Chief tore the nebulous threads of a country apart in 16
so I guess words can be pretty fucking powerful

8:22 to go
I don’t even know
Time is moving so fast
How is it January 22 already?
And how did shows of fascism become ok?

I’ll take Harrison Ford
Indiana Jones, if you will
“I hate Nazis”
Punching Nazis
Sure it was fiction, but once upon a time it was the norm to punch a fucking Nazi

Trends always come around again

*I set the clock for 10 minutes, but cut myself off at 5… Eh. Rules are meant to be broken.

What connects with you? How does this make you feel?