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2025 Bad Poet: Days 1 & 2

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It’s that time of year again! A little earlier than last, but I’m participating in Katie Kay Chelena‘s Bad Poet poem-a-day challenge that started yesterday. I participated in 2024 too. (A summary post here, and if you search “Creations-a-Day” you can go see the rest.)

Why participate?

I set a lot of “resolutions” this year. Or, as I heard one person refer to them: “intentions.” With all of them, I want to be more intentional about creating the world I want to live. And, like many people, I also need some accountability to help me along.

Let’s face it, I set a lot of health intentions because I lacked personal accountability in the past for a healthy diet, exercise, and on.

And I’ve found that a challenge that I can commit to really helps. In the health world, I’ve been signing up to run organized 5ks that benefit charities. And in the creative world, I signed up for the Bad Poet challenge.


The Bad Poet challenge has accountability baked in on a couple of different levels.

First, I have a group that shares its poems with me, and I share my poems with my group members! Sharing holds me accountable to writing the poem, and also to getting over if the poem is good or bad.

That last bit is also a big part of the challenge. It’s in the name: Bad Poet. The goal is not to write the perfect, golden, glowing poem that wins some sort of prize. Maybe that will happen too. But the overall point is to *create.* And to practice creativity. Perfectly imperfect.

Which is also accountability to you, my readers and followers! Whether we are creating together, practicing yoga together, or are in relationship in some other way, one thing I want you to walk away with is that: there is no perfect. Creating something that didn’t exist before is wonderful. Sharing it with the world is powerful. There is no perfect. And at the same time, we are all perfectly imperfect. So we might as well play!!

The Goods

I lost track of the days and got a bit of a late start, which is why I’m posting two poems today. For the rest of the month I’ll post them daily, along with my daily drawings, just for funsies.

Not sure what it’s fuzzy at the bottom. The original images don’t look that way. Hmmm. Below are the poems typed out in case you can’t read my handwriting.

muscles not so tight
mind not so scattered
Trin’s fur is so fluff and nice
Vélo’s fur is a bit coarse
Bubo’s fur is sleek and shiny
I like my new office furniture set-up
Why did Trin (I think) pee in the corner?
Why is air fried leftover pizza better?
10 miles on the bike feels good

Holy fuck! A ceasefire signed!

I am the connector
after all
Above and below meet
Makes sense things
would collect here
“Junk in the trunk”
Well, I’m there too…
lower back, hips
All of that stress &
. . . settling in
waiting for movement,
stretching, and
metaphysical release
. . . no, really, girl
let that shit go

And visual creative expression to round things out!

What connected? What resonated?

Oh, future posts will be more succinct. Probably just the poem and the drawing. Depending on my mood, of course. And I’d love to know if anything connects with you, as always!!

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