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Biking Reboot

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This school year I decided to bike commute part of the way to the school where I work. I live 25 miles away, so it’s not feasible for me to bike the entire way.

I decided to park my car at a local park 10 miles from work. The ride was nice both ways. Traffic wasn’t too bad aside from a few jerky drivers. But it takes me too much time. I was up at 5:00 a.m. and on the road by 5:30. I wasn’t getting home until 6:00 p.m. I’m a teacher, so quite honestly I still had lesson planning that needed to be done when I got home. But I was so tired on the days I rode it was a struggle to do that too.

Last week I didn’t ride my bike at all to work.Read More »Biking Reboot

Being Your True Self

As I get older and get more practice being me, I feel more comfortable in my own skin. Thank goodness! I spend such a long time carrying a sumo-suit of anger, resentment, hurt feelings, and probably more. I’ve been on the journey for over 10 years to let that go.

Read More »Being Your True Self

One Week Down

Last week was the first full week of school. It was good, but on Friday night I took a nap after work. I woke up around the time I go to bed. So I went back to sleep until 8 a.m. on Saturday. Still tiring even though it was good.Read More »One Week Down

Creating My Life

Since I got back from my bike tour, over a month ago, I’ve been choosing a life of leisure. To be really honest, a life of laziness. I’ve been sleeping in late, napping, eating whatever I want, going to sleep early or late, drinking too often…Read More »Creating My Life

Girls Rock Camp 2018

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When I was a kid, we had a piano in our house. I have a vague notion of the power it took to move it in there. I think I remember my father and grandfather were involved in the move from where ever it was to our front room. I taught myself to play a simple “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”

One year I had the notion to ask for a guitar for Christmas, and I received it.Read More »Girls Rock Camp 2018