Au Canada
We made it to Canada! I replaced most of my missing clothing and gear on Saturday, and we left Portland, ME around 9 am yesterday.Read More »Au Canada
We made it to Canada! I replaced most of my missing clothing and gear on Saturday, and we left Portland, ME around 9 am yesterday.Read More »Au Canada
I came to Portland a couple of days before my bike tour departure date to put my bike together and to check out the city. With that in mind, my time here has been a success! But hasn’t gone down quite like I imagined before I left. Read More »Adventure in the Mundane
I’m heading writing from the road in Portland, ME! (Please forgive any weird formatting, as I’m writing from my phone.)
I didn’t expect the real adventure to start until Monday, the day I start the actual bike tour. I guess the universe didn’t want me to wait!
The nervous system is a funny thing. It hasn’t kept up with the fast pace of human society. It’s still operating on good, old fight or flight: when something stressful comes your way, it’s either getting you ready to defend yourself or run away.
Less than two days before leaving for my trip, I’m not sure which way my body is leaning.Read More »Nerves and Butterflies
I leave for my bike tour in five days. The trip is starting to feel truly real. Butterflies have migrated to my stomach.Read More »5 Day Countdown
Friday evening, I drove to Hillsborough River State Park to begin my yoga adventure (more here). As I drove, it occurred to me that it was May 18. It was that day, 7 years before, that Dad died.Read More »May 18, 2018
This weekend I signed up for a yoga camping adventure.
Yoga! Camping! And I took my bike, so biking!! Yes, yes, yes!Read More »Yoga Adventure
I’m not quite sure why I’ve been so tired. Grading is pretty much done. I’m mostly working during school hours. But on that drive home, I struggle to keep my eyes open. Very literally. Not the safest, but it is what it is.Read More »Running on Coffee and Kittens
Last Tuesday I celebrated my 40th birthday. If I live the average U.S. life expectancy for a woman, I truly became middle-aged. And it feels Ok!Read More »Cheers to 40