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Walking the Walk

Nearly a month ago the shootings in Parkland, FL happened. Two days after that a shooting took place very close to the school I work at, close enough to warrant a Lock Down. Since then, I’ve been feeling very anxious.

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Chosen Passions

Yesterday two of my friends started a weeklong kayaking journey from Fort DeSoto to Marathon, FL. It’s a 300 mile trip during a time with some of the roughest weather and through some of the most difficult habitats in Florida. And it’s not even their first time!

Every time you feel bored this week, or really comfortable. Every time you take a shower or eat a hot meal, think of my friends. Out on the water. Pursuing their passion.Read More »Chosen Passions

When a Plan Comes Together

Man, I loved the A-Team when I was a kid. It was a cool show. But one of the quotes I remember aside from, “I pity the fool,” is “I love it when a plan comes together.

There have been a few things lately that have made my Canada bike trip seem a little more real and like it is going to be Ok and come together in the end.Read More »When a Plan Comes Together

Enough is Enough



School lets out at 3:00. At 3:10 an announcement went out over the loudspeaker that we were on Lock Down. Lock Down is the most severe response to an imminent threat occurring near campus, or something going on on campus.


Since it happened after school, I knew it was something real, but I thought maybe some students decided to fight.Read More »Enough is Enough


One of Old Blue’s last rides before finishing the new bike.

The Buddhists say you should let go of your expectations. That it’s Ok to have them, but not to cling to them. I got an excellent lesson in that today.Read More »Imperfect


I’ve been thinking forward to June. On June 4, we’ll start rolling around the Gaspé peninsula in Canada. On this two week trip, we’ll ride about 560 miles.

Honestly, I’m terrified.

Read More »Progress

Bumbling Along

Been awhile since I’ve posted about dating. Because, well, I haven’t dated in awhile. Last summer, around the time of my yoga teacher training, I shut down all of my online dating profiles. I intermittently turned them back on, only to shut them back down again within a month. I went on one lackluster date in October or November and shut down my accounts again.

I opened up a new account on Bumble. “It’s different,” I was assured. “The women contact the men first. It weeds out some of the assholes.”

Eventually I caved.Read More »Bumbling Along