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Perks of Teaching

Today I led a lesson on anaerobic cellular respiration. It involved a push-up challenge: 5 pushups, 10 pushups, and 1 minute of as many as you could do. After each challenge, participants rated their pain/tiredness level from 1-10. I participated during both Periods 7 and 8. (I did 21 pushups during the one-minute period in Period 7 and 17 during Period 8. Not too bad for someone near 40!)

The students laughed at me, and I laughed with them. Read More »Perks of Teaching

What to Do

A couple of days ago one of my Canada bike ride posse told me that she didn’t want to go anymore. She said she felt off trajectory by planning for the Canada thing.

Thus far she’s been the one that has seemed the most into the trip. We’ve been riding together pretty regularly. During those time we talked logistics and whatnot. So her decision came as a bit of a shock. 

I’m disappointed she won’t be coming, and I told her as much. But I also understand and am completely in support of her doing what is right for her.Read More »What to Do

Junk in the Trunk

Since the idea entered my head to ride my bike ~560 miles in Canada next summer, I’ve been preparing. I’ve been preparing myself by riding more. I’ve been preparing my bike by going to the St. Pete Bike Co-op and fixing it collaboratively with the awesome mechanics there. And I’ve been preparing for the trip itself by getting camping and other gear together. Occasionally I’ve been switching out bike gear for things that work better.Read More »Junk in the Trunk


A few years ago in a galaxy … well, in this galaxy to be honest … productivity would have exclusively meant analyzing data, writing a publication, grading papers, or doing something else school/work related.

Nowadays, productivity can still look a little like that. I definitely work on lesson plans in the evening at least a few nights a week.

This weekend, I was productive, but it looked a little different.

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