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Whatever that means…
Whatever that means…
I was able to return home Monday afternoon. I returned to a power outage and a medium-sized puddle on the floor. Nothing to fret too much about.
I was grateful to return to a home and to sleep in my own bed.
I woke up this morning to rain and air that is a little breezier than it was yesterday. I checked the weather and the storm has moved a little closer to us, and maybe a little further west.
It’s still quiet. Read More »The Rains Have Come
Yoga (i.e. asana) is supposed to help align your body with your mind/spirit/whatever. It’s supposed to be a reflection of how you deal with the real world. Maybe you are faced with a particularly challenging pose. Do you face the challenging, sticking with it no matter how much it begins to hurt? Do you automatically choose a resting pose and fall into that? Do you try it, and then take a resting pose once you realize you need it? Do you do the same thing in your regular life?
The sun is shining. There’s a small breeze. It would just be another day in Florida if Hurrican Irma weren’t making her way north.
I set a pretty big goal for myself for next June: biking the Gaspé. The most recent estimate I saw of its length is 900 km. That’s 559 miles if we end up doing the full loop. (Still in question.)
What better way to celebrate a 40th birthday? No biggie…Read More »Training
Yesterday I offered my first yoga for educators class. My inaugural class of people who aren’t my friends. (Well, some of them are work friends, but still a little different.)Read More »Yoga for Educators
I’m teaching inner city students for the first time in my teaching career. I thought the stories from my colleagues would mentally prepare me for working with these students. They did not.Read More »Falling and Getting Back Up
Recently I was thinking about what I would like to do to celebrate my 40th birthday in April 2018. Turning 40 is a pretty big deal!
At first I thought: a cruise! I Googled a bit, and the ones that would be in my price range were to places I’d already been or that didn’t seem exotic enough. Europe! The flight alone costs ~$1,500, so it didn’t seem that I could do the sort of trip I’d like to. What about Quebec? I could still speak French, but flights are much more reasonable. And I could take trains around!
Absolutment!Read More »Go Big or Go Home