Nature Heals & Soothes the Soul
I took a trip down to Boyd Hill Preserve today. My trip awarded me so many treasures!Read More »Nature Heals & Soothes the Soul
I took a trip down to Boyd Hill Preserve today. My trip awarded me so many treasures!Read More »Nature Heals & Soothes the Soul
My experience with education has been that the more you learn, the less you feel like you know. After my third week of the 200-hour yoga teacher training, I’m finding that’s half true YTT.Read More »YTT Week 3
Week 2 of YTT (yoga teacher training) was more challenging than the first. Perhaps because the physical component of the class was more apparent.Read More »YTT Week 2
I’ve officially finished my first week of yoga teacher training. It’s not what most people think of when they think of yoga.Read More »YTT Week 1
I love happening upon street art. There are so many beautiful murals in St. Pete, and if you turn a corner you might find a new one.
But for today’s blog post I’m reminded of Paris on Christmas day in 2015.Read More »Paint
Fat Mum Slim puts together monthly photo-a-day challenges. I participated in April’s challenge. This month I decided to take it up a notch and am using the list as a blog-a-day challenge. The topic for today is: wish.Read More »Wish
I’m still glad I decided to become a teacher. Two-and-a-half years into the profession, and I find more and more things that make this line of work worthwhile.Read More »Teacher Appreciation Week