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Ornament Advent Calendar-Dogs

I love the tradition of putting up the Yule tree. My family always did it Thanksgiving evening, after dinner. We’d eat at my grandpa’s big house, and then we’d get his holiday decorations and start putting them in their places. Some of his ornaments became my favorites, and they are hanging on my flat  Yule tree today.

Since I’m more  in the holiday spirit than normal, I want to write about some of my ornaments. Really, my holiday tree is a chance to get those old memories out once a year. I dust them off, think old thoughts, and hang them up for a month of nostalgia.Read More »Ornament Advent Calendar-Dogs

A visit to Sunken Gardens

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As a reader, you already know I haven’t been writing much. The end of the semester is winding down, which means work has been busy. Too, the political climate has me lying low with writing, because I want this site to be one of (mostly) positivity. Yet, I’m having a hard time framing anything I would write about politics in a positive way.

So instead, let’s look at pretty pictures!Read More »A visit to Sunken Gardens