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Happy with What You Have

My humble abode.

I’ve been struggling with an idea lately. When I go to other people’s homes,  or hear about houses with “great rooms,” I find myself comparing mine to theirs. I live in a 400 sqft apartment, so larger spaces feel/sound pretty luxurious to me…

“My entire apartment would fit in this one room,” I think.

“I can’t imagine having this much space.”

“I could live in their billiards room.”Read More »Happy with What You Have

4 Elements

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4 Elements (modified) 18″x24″ acrylic on canvas.
C.M. Foust 2015

Over the 4th of July holiday, I painted (see painting here). I liked the outcome, with each part of the diamond representing fire, water, earth, and air. I even hung it on my wall! But every time I looked up at it over the past few months, I felt that it wasn’t finished.Read More »4 Elements

Goddess for a Night

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Artemis – Goddess of the Hunt (2015)

My love for Halloween never went away. I was one of those kids who went trick-or-treating past the acceptable ages for doing such things. I wasn’t doing it out of greed though (well, maybe partially). I did it because I loved getting dressed up.Read More »Goddess for a Night

Good Job, Kiddo

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soul recognitionI’m a skeptical believer. Ghosts, spirits, an after life… My scientific brain wants to shut these ideas down as nonsense. My experiences, subjective though they may be, have supported these things.Read More »Good Job, Kiddo