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Changing Names

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Change-Quotes-10Yesterday the title of my name changed for the third time.

Technically it will officially change in December, at the end of the semester. After 5+ years, close enough.Read More »Changing Names


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NervousMan, was I nervous yesterday. Fortunately I slept Ok the night before, but as that alarm went off the bees in my stomach started flying

I like to equate butterflies in my stomach with the good kind of anxiety. Bees are for the more fear-based ones.Read More »Nervous


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challengechangeIf this is true, I’m definitely being changed right now. Probably for the better.

But that knowledge isn’t getting rid of the nervousness.Read More »Naked


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Without-enough-sleep-weThis morning, I should be running my first 15k.

Since I’m sitting her writing instead, you can probably guess I’m not.Read More »Trade-offs


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Sarah Mac Band_01
Sarah Mac Band at The Hideaway Cafe in St. Pete

I came up for a breath of air this weekend. Friday I helped a friend celebrate his 30th birthday, and Saturday was Sarah Mac Band CD release night!Read More »Satisfied

The Light

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gaiman-14I need to quit writing that I’ve been busy. At the same time, it’s at the forefront of my mind. 12+ hour days nearly every day. They are taking their toll, yet I see the light.

It’s getting brighter…Read More »The Light

Albino Squirrel

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C.M. Foust 2015

One of my neighbors is an albino squirrel. I saw her at the base of a pine tree today when I took Willow out. She was munching contentedly on a magnolia seed pod. As I took Willow back inside, I noticed that she went up the tree. I went and grabbed my camera.Read More »Albino Squirrel

All is Well

all is wellThe blog hit 10,000 views today!

I had 10 students come to get extra help with A.P. Biology during lunch today.

Another teacher sent over 10 ginormous hot plates and some test tubes to me from her classroom.

The Chair of my department brought us donuts and coffee during our professional learning community time.Read More »All is Well

Balanced in Chaos

09172015_Cold Remedy
Christy’s cold remedy. Soon-to-be in a store near you… 😉

I’ve worked as a high school teacher for about 6 full months now. It’s official: I have my first teacher cold.

But don’t worry. I’ve developed a time honored cold remedy that’s sure to knock it out quickly! Cider (or beer)*, ice cream, NyQuil (or generic alternatives), and cough drops.Read More »Balanced in Chaos