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These two things are true:

  1. My mental and physical health is precious and deserves care.
  2. I can’t get everything done for teaching three different classes with a total of 125 students during my normal workday, so I have to put in extra hours after.

But how to balance both truths.Read More »Dualities

Ok With Good

I have a lot of education articles that come across my newsfeed. I read some of them and am left with the thought, “Maybe I’m ok with just being good.”Read More »Ok With Good

Mistakes and Accountability

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Last Wednesday I messed up big with one of my classes.

It was getting close to time for the bell to ring. I checked the cabinet with the tablets and one was missing.

“Oh no. Not again.” Someone had truly taken one on Monday. I got it back, but I thought it was happening all over again.Read More »Mistakes and Accountability

Cycling Pet Peeves

I know the U.S. is a million miles behind certain cities in Europe regarding bicycling infrastructure and etiquette. But as I ride more and more, I keep finding certain things drivers do to be infuriating.

Read More »Cycling Pet Peeves

Biking Reboot

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This school year I decided to bike commute part of the way to the school where I work. I live 25 miles away, so it’s not feasible for me to bike the entire way.

I decided to park my car at a local park 10 miles from work. The ride was nice both ways. Traffic wasn’t too bad aside from a few jerky drivers. But it takes me too much time. I was up at 5:00 a.m. and on the road by 5:30. I wasn’t getting home until 6:00 p.m. I’m a teacher, so quite honestly I still had lesson planning that needed to be done when I got home. But I was so tired on the days I rode it was a struggle to do that too.

Last week I didn’t ride my bike at all to work.Read More »Biking Reboot