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What You Fear to Lose

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A friend posted the below image on her Facebook page: What you fear to lose

This hit me harder than expected too, because one of things I take pictures of pretty often is myself. Since I often go out alone, I am a proponent of the selfie.

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July 4 2015

I have to report that I’ve had a rather un-traditional July 4 holiday. First, I hadn’t been invited to any July 4 shenanigans, and I didn’t… Read More »July 4 2015

Like a Kid

Messy face Bright eyes Sticky hands Crazy grin Lick the spoon And the bowl How many licks? Only Owl knows Stomp in a puddle Slide… Read More »Like a Kid

What I Want

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I finished a class for my teacher’s certification Friday, I got caught up on another, and my manuscript for my dissertation is out to the… Read More »What I Want

Love Wins

What an incredibly monumental week in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Earlier in the week, love won when the Affordable Healthcare Act (i.e.… Read More »Love Wins