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Creations-a-Day: 02/02

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Here they are!

Doesn’t he look a bit like John Travolta? (Supposed to be Bill Murray.)

The prompt for the poems was: creating poems throughout the day. I summarized that in my notes as: slivers of poems throughout the day, slices of time, snapshot in verse. They read:

work work work

I’ll pop over
Just for a few minutes

scroll, scroll, scroll
type, scroll, type

Oh shit!
Half an hour?!

work, work, work
(pause for a poem)

1:41 – Ode to Chips
crisp, a little oily

not healthy at all
but so fucking delicious

smiling faces
flash of blue
glimpse of a line


power up
smiling faces again

flash of blue
glimpse of a line

blessing & curse

19:21 – (this one is about trying to finish a print job before my laptop battery died 😂)
I went to the end
Push with the power
& urgency of birth

But it wasn’t enough at this end

How do those connect with you?

Living Daringly