Day 14 Creations:
The Bad Poet prompt today was to write a love poem. Could be self-love, platonic, liberation, etc… Here’s what came out for me.
Heart cracking and overflowing
Tears fill my eyes
I love every speck,
every square inch
of this blue & green marble
Mother Earth
How did we get so lucky
For our species to evolve here?!
With all of our organismal siblings?!
Beautiful, strong,
Heart cracking and overflowing
Tears fill my eyes
I love you, Gaia
And I’m so, so sorry
this blue & green marble
has faced such harm
because of us
I love you, Gaia
And I know you’ll thrive
when we’re gone
But I hope we learn and heal,
you and ourselves
I hope we get to live and experience
all of your wonders
just a little longer