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Creations-a-Day: 02/23

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Day 23 Creations:

Today’s Bad Poet prompt was to: model a poem after a game, or create a poem you can play, or to gamify a poem. I’m not much for different kinds of games, so I reverted to one I remembered from childhood.

Spin the wheel!
two steps forward
another spin
six steps towards the goal

second spin
seven steps and I climb
one rung at a time
leaving my opponent behind

second spin
eight steps ahead
looking up at my
adversary high above

spin number three
and lucky three for me
oh no! not lucky at al
I ride the snake back down

But wait!
The cool, slipper skin under my legs
the wind rushing past my face

I slide lower
past my opponent
back to the beginning
but do not feel defeated

the snake hisses
“Hi. Niccccccce to meet you.
How wassssss your trip?”

I smile and say,
Could we do it again?
Slide somewhere great?”

“Sssssssure,” said the snake
“Hop on! Let’s go!”
I look back
My opponent spins

Climbs the ladders
While me and my new friend
Quit the game
Slither away

How do these connect with you?

Living Daringly