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Creations-a-Day: 02/25

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Day 25 Creations:

The Bad Poet prompt today was to “get out the gunk” before writing our poem. To journal out all of the things that might be blocking us from writing a poem. Honestly, during these 25 days, I haven’t had too much of a block to writing. It’s been a challenge and fun to write in this sort of way… But I still did a bit of journaling about some of the gunk that keeps some of my work stuck sometimes. (Instructions were to *not* share the gunk, so I’m not gonna.) Here’s what came after getting some of the gunk out.

an old soul
still writing cursive
calligraphy even!
handcrafted leather
mosaics made from glass shards placed just so

an old soul
prefer bikes to cars
or a nice, long walk
poetry over a Tweet
art made with strategically placed paint, paper, ink

an old soul
craves the stars
Moon too!
bare feet on grass
memories made from ancestors sending messages through DNA

How do these connect with you?

Living Daringly