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Creations-a-Day: 02/26

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Day 26 Creations:

Today’s Bad Poet prompt was to write a blessing … or a curse. I ain’t playing with The Rule of Three as it pertains to curses, so a blessing it is.

I sit on my lawn chair
A freckle on the face of Mother Moon

My eyes are stuck on the glorious blue marble
across space

My heart grows three sizes
a lump forms in my throat
tears threaten a flood

I know what’s happening there
the genocide, the raping of our Mother Earth:

And all I can do is send my love,
my hope, my well wishes

All I can do is send a wish
for my human siblings to turn course

To turn their gaze again to the stars
To feel breeze on skin

I send my blessing
for better choices and better days

I send my blessing
for love, love, love, Love, love, love

I send my blessing
so all can see the humanity in all

Scratch that last bit

I send my blessing
so all can see the divinity in All

How do these connect with you?

Living Daringly