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Day 11-100 Day Challenge

On day 11 of this self-chosen 100 day challenge, a few things come to mind. 1) I really like not having to think about what to wear in the morning. I’ve had zero problem wearing this dress over and over the past 11 days. 2) I’m grateful for less laundry. I really hate folding laundry. I haven’t had to wash this dress yet, which might sound gross, but it’s not stinky or stainy or anything. So why would I? (For the record, I am doing a bit of an experiment. Under “normal” conditions, I’ll probably throw it in the laundry at least once a week) 3) I’m grateful for the Facebook community that is involved with this challenge and the Wool& company. It’s wonderful seeing so many strangers to come together to support each other with, most often, insecurities around our bodies. So many folks think they aren’t beautiful or that the some versions of the dress make them not beautiful. Bullshit. Wear what you and and what makes *you* happy.

Dress aside…

This morning my buzzed head left me feeling cool, by Florida standards. So my (REI wool) beanie went on for a bit.

I had a pretty busy work day, and some things were leaving me feel very anxious. There’s been a lot moving with my paid work, and some of it has a heavy emotional load. I was glad when a 3:00 meeting got rescheduled for Monday. I finished up some odds and ends and then took a nap. I had a training Wednesday night, so I was able to comp. the time. (I am so incredibly grateful for my work from home situation.)

After my nap, I cooked up a rice, bean, and tomato burrito. Yummy!

The weather was so lovely that after dinner I went in the backyard and practiced one of my newer hobbies: whittling. I’m working on a second comfort bird from a kit I got from Beavercraft Tools (located in Ukraine- you can still purchase some of their products through Amazon). (Instagram ads have been very effective with me lately…)

The first one I made is still a little boxy, mostly because I got impatient and just wanted to be done. I got to the “good enough” point, and I am very pleased with that one as a first effort. I’m taking more time with this second one. (Since I nearly always go over the top when starting something new, I also bought a set of beautiful knives via Etsy too. I like the bigger handles of those knives, though the Beavercraft one is great too!)

If you want to give the Beavercraft kit a try, I think the bird is a good starter one. I really wanted to do their love spoon, but I thought I’d mess it up. I’ll try that one at some point, but I’m learning a lot with the birds for now. And you can download a ton of other templates for other projects. I just printed off a bunch today, so I’m looking forward to more creations.

I snapped a picture when I was taking a stretch break from whittling. You can see my awesome cut-resistant glove in the picture. It’s been doing what it’s supposed to!

After whittling for a bit, I took a walk around the back yard. I saw more dragonflies, but they were too speedy for a quick picture. I also saw a good-sized spider that the Seek app couldn’t identify. The closest it got was some sort of orchid spider.

Now, I’m writing (of course). I’ve got a clay project in mind that I might work on. Or I might prep for my bike ride tomorrow. Friends are having a beach day at Fort DeSoto, and I’m planning on riding my bike down. Only 12 miles one-way, so not too far. But there are a few things I want to get together for that trip. We will see where the wind blows me on that front.

Wishing everyone love, peace, and rest.

Living Daringly