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Day 11-Percé to Port Daniel

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We woke to sun in Percé on June 14 after a night of camping at the Geoparc of Percé. The forecast had shown rain all day long, so it was a nice surprise.

We saw the groundhog again as we packed up camp.

We rolled out early to try to beat the rain if it were going to come.

We stopped early along the road to get better pictures of Percé Rock. From downtown you couldn’t see the hole in the rock, which is one of its distinctive features.

The sun remained, though we could see clouds to the south. It was warm enough for me to wear shorts while riding for a portion of the day, though we had to fight the wind some.

We stayed along the coast, which gave us lovely views.

Le fin colline de la doom was actually a series of three big hills we had to go up … and down.

Around 2:00 the temperature dropped. And we were catching up with those clouds. We decided to stay at Le Gîte des Acres Tranquilles south of Port Douglas.

We did a grocery run before going to the B&B. I still had leftover fish and chips from a casse croute we stopped at for lunch. Jon has leftovers too. But we wanted beer and wine and something sweet to eat. We made our purchases and rode the last couple of miles.

The bed & breakfast was a beautiful farm house. The owner let us put our bikes in her barn.

We went to the room and got settled. Showers came first and then we tucked into dinner. Soon enough it was dessert time.

We pulled out the blueberry pie and the half liter of vanilla Hagen Daas ice cream. Somehow it had grown in size since buying it. It looked at least 1.5 times bigger.

But we still proceeded to eat … the … entire … thing.

Each of us sat in that room and gluttonously ate have the pie and ice cream. The 4,000 calories we burned that day were definitely replaced that day!

Post-Piemageddon, we chilled and then headed to bed. I slept pretty well with the help of the earplugs we finally found at the grocery.

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