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Day 14-100 Day Challenge

I washed my Wool& Camellia dress yesterday. Folks in the Facebook group talked about a “sheep smell.” I experienced that when I pulled it out of the washer to dry. It reminded me of how a perm smells. It went away when the dress dried.

I think I’ve come to the decision that along with the dress/blog/photo challenge, I’m also not going to cut my hair for these 100 days. Nor color it. Or at least not do any coloring that would require bleaching. 1) I’m curious what will happen. 2) I do have attachment around growing my hair out. Historically it feels awkward. I always feel like I’m fighting it or that it’s not right. So just letting it grow will be a challenge to my idea of what is “right” about a hair style.

I’ve finished my 2nd full week of this dress/blog/photo challenge. I’m still liking not having to search for something to wear in the morning. If I do run to the store, I can quickly throw on a scarf, belt, or another shirt. But oftentimes I don’t. I like the simplicity. I am actually looking forward to the coupon at the end of the 100 days, because I’ll have outfits planned for 2/3 of the year. That’s satisfying.

I haven’t started purging clothes yet. But honestly a lot of it is going to go. There’s just no reason to keep them. I’ll keep a record when I get to that point.

Last night I was varnishing my little mushroom house. The roof broke. It was really thin. I was afraid it might crack while drying, but it made it through that process. I guess I pressed too hard while brushing the varnish on. No worries! I just made a new roof for it out of clay. Now I’m waiting for the new roof to dry before I can paint and varnish it. I think I like the shape of this one better anyway. And it’s a bit thicker, so it shouldn’t break this time. I think I’m might give the “trunk” of the mushroom a little more dimension with some color too. We’ll see!

I’m wishing everyone love, joy, and balance today.

Living Daringly