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Day 16-100 Day Challenge

The blog portion of this self-chosen challenge is the harder part. Do I really have something to say everyday? Today, not really feeling it.

I had a busy day at work. I’m getting better at asking for help, and I’m really grateful for some guidance I got from a few folks today.

After work, I finally got my bow down and shot some arrows.

I was fortunate enough to buy a house last year. There were two things I really wanted from my yard when I chose this house: the ability to build a fire pit and room to shoot archery. I probably use the fire pit more, but I’m grateful that I found a place where I could do both. You can see my target behind my in this picture, and the green net is to catch arrows that miss the target. It’s been working.

On the topic of houses, I was incredibly fortunate to find the place I did, fixer-upper though it is. And I was also incredibly privileged to be able to navigate the mortgage process with the help of my support system. Everyone deserves a home. That can look very different for different people. But everyone deserves stable, structurally sound housing with utility bills that affordable at whatever income the person may be making.

There are so many great organizations around the country who are working to make this a reality for folks. For those in Florida, check out these organizations to amplify your voice regarding housing and other issues impacting folks: Florida Rising, Dream Defenders, Central Florida Jobs With Justice. If you work for a place that has a union, join it *and* get involved in it. If you work for a place that doesn’t have a union, maybe you want to look into getting one (e.g. Starbucks is unionizing shops all over the place!!). There’s so many ways we can build power to help make sure all folks have what they need to thrive.

I guess I found something to say after all. Since I have this space, might as well use it for good! Oh, and I’m wearing this Wool& dress for 100days. (Yes, I’m allowed to wash it.)

Living Daringly