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Day 5-Hallelujah a Tailwind

The view from a windy and cold water break.

We “lost” 10 miles yesterday and stopped early at Gîte du Domaine-Joseph Ross. We decided to try to recoup those miles today, for a total of 57 miles. Our longest day if we don’t have to make up any miles, and my longest mileage in a day to date. (57 miles!)

Fortunately we had a strong tailwind nearly the entire way today. Compared to yesterday it felt like Mother Nature gave us a push instead of holding us back. There were still les arrêtons, but the overall ride felt so much better.


The windmills were really cooking!


At one point I felt like the bike was lagging and maybe lacking in tire pressure. I went to grab my pump. It wasn’t there. I had it out that morning, set it on the ground, and left it behind at the B&B we stayed at. It was too many miles back to worry about, but I’m kicking myself for such a dumb mistake. My travel partner has a pump, but we are short a pressure guage now. I’m blaming it on fatigue and cold. Trop pis!

We rode nearly 40 miles before stopping for lunch at Cantine Chez Renard in Marsoui. I had vegetable soup and grilled cheese topped with two cups of coffee to warm me up.


View from restaurant. We keep seeing these piles of wood on beaches. We don’t know why they’re there.


My legs felt sore and weak. I really wanted to relax into that warmth and take a nap.

But the road called. We had approximately 18 miles to go.

It rained off and on all day, but it was a light rain. With the wind at our back it didn’t feel as cold.

We rolled into Mont-Louis at 4:00: much earlier than we arrived at previous locations. We registered and set up camp at Parc et Camp Mont-Louis. Only $15 Canadian! A great deal with a gorgeous view.


Our campsite


It started raining soon after we arrived so I went in my tent and ate what I had picked up at the market: pâté, gouda, and some peahes. I also enjoyed a blanche an chanvre beer from Le Malbord brewery, one we’d passed earlier in the day.


Le petit melon á la marché


After dinner I washed clothes for the first time. While waiting for the wash cycle I walked along the beach, searching for shells and other beach treasures. I found some cool blue mussel and barnacle shells, a crab molt, some pretty rocks, beach glass, and driftwood you would never get a splinter from.

After beach combing, my travel partner and I talked for a bit while watching the sunset. It was cloudy, but there were still some lovely colors in it.

After the sunset, I retrieved my clothes from the dryer and headed back to my tent.

We’re going to try for an early start again tomorrow so that we can explore our next location more.

On this 5th day, I think my body is sort of acclimating to so many hours in the saddle. My girly bits aren’t so sore. I’m not having to shift my hand position quite so much, though hand and wrist pain is an issue. I’m sore every day, but it’s not debilitating.

Thirty-nine miles tomorrow. Nearly a week in!

Living Daringly