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Day 8-100 Day Challenge

A busy work day today. I had to listen to my reminder on my phone to take my picture today, since I wasn’t doing anything particularly photo worthy. There’s a soft spot in my hard for garden statuary, so I took a picture by one of mine. I like to think she is Kuan Yin, the Chinese Bodhisattva of compassion, though I don’t think this particular statue is her.

I had a hard conversation with someone I care about today. Recently I sent a message through Facebook letting them know I was thinking of them and wishing them good things. The response I got back was to stop, and that those messages weren’t helpful. Hurtful, even.

I’m struggling with that, because I want the person to know I’m there for them even though we historically haven’t kept in good contact with each other. I’m also struggling that something as seemingly innocuous as wishing someone well could be taken as such an insult. I want to respect their boundaries, and I want to respect my gut feeling of at least to send a message of well wishes from time-to-time to show the door isn’t locked in their face if ever they want to come in and have a conversation. Both are true, and it’s a hard line to tow.

I’ll keep doing the best I know how. I guess I need to spend some more time with Kuan Yin.

As I often do, I Googled my issue to see if there was any collective wisdom out there. This article seems like it could be helpful to folks.

I’m wishing everyone healing, love, and joy.

Living Daringly