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Dreams Ocean Avocados

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A new way to heal

I recently began seeing a counselor that offers energy work along with “normal” therapy techniques. Last week she did a reading on me. Remotely. From California. I’m in Florida. I don’t know how it works, so I’m working on keeping an open mind. As a scientist by education (biology), but a spiritual mutt otherwise, it’s a struggle back and forth. But I’ve experienced a little too much “woo woo” in my life to pretend that there’s nothing beyond the information my 5ish senses take in.

Part of my takeaway from her description of the reading is that my spirit likes to hang out either near my feet, even in the ground, or around my head (6th chakra). It’s doing it as a self-preservation thing, though one that has long passed being helpful. My energy levels are staying low, resulting in me not living my full potential.

She told me she felt a grandmother (maybe my Great-Grandma who passed back in 2010??) presence that wanted to remind me to embrace my power…

I know it’s “woo woo,” but what she described resonates with me and feels right. I’ve felt a bit stuck lately, and have also been stuck in getting myself unstuck! Maybe it is past patterns and protections that are holding me there, and I need to work towards letting them go!

A prescription

The fun thing is, my spirit and the energy frequencies informing my counselor also shared a prescription: dreams, ocean, and avocados! (My counselor said it sounded like a podcast. 😁)

The dream portion is me connecting with ancestors and other folks/energies that I want to serve to ask them how I can raise my energy and better integrate my spirit into my body. So, each night before bed I’ve been putting the intention and request out there. No clear messages yet.

The energy frequencies also recommended visiting the ocean three times a week. While there, I should get my feet wet and practice sun salutations to help pull some of my spiritual energy into my core. I figure the water bit helps me connect with Mother Earth, as well as acting as a conduit and connector. So today I headed to Lassing Park, which is technically on Tampa Bay. Digging my feet in the water and the sand felt nice, if a bit cool. My vision felt very concentrated and colors seemed … tangible.

Avocados. That seemed very specific and a bit random when she shared that part of the “prescription”! I’m partially wondering if those energies are just reminding me I have avocados in a drawer in my fridge that I need to eat before they go bad. Does the universe work like that?

Summing up

Anyhoo, along with talking out my feelings with my counselor, I’m curious to see what I can learn from this energy work. With healing “prescriptions” like dreams, ocean, and avocados, I want to keep checking it out.

How about you? How are you taking care of yourself? What’s your intuitive sense of your three-word prescription to help you heal? What’s your experience with energy work or other unseen phenomena?

Wishing you empowerment, creativity, learning, and love!!

Living Daringly