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Happy Birthday

I’m thinking of my aunt today. She would have been 58.

I think this is one of her Senior pictures.

In the midst of the Covid pandemic, she got sick. But not with Covid. Or maybe she had Covid but didn’t know it, survived it for it to turn into this? I don’t know.

She died from cryptogenic pneumonia. “Cryptogenic” because they don’t know the cause. They tried a number of treatments, and finally the damage to her lungs was so bad they were going to do a lung transplant. But she got too weak to go through with that surgery.

I still can’t get it out of my head that it wasn’t related to Covid, even though I know they tested her for Covid four different times and they all came up negative. I don’t know if they threw an antibody test in there too. If they did and it was positive, that would have supported her having Covid before she got really sick. Maybe Covid triggered it

I guess it doesn’t really matter. Something triggered it. And now she’s gone.

She was a gentle person filled with love. I’m missing her today.

When I went “home” last year when she died, I tried to keep up my art practice. I sketched the below angel mouse for her.

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