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Healing Like an Athlete

I had a follow-up with the doctor on Tuesday. He said my X-rays were normal. Nothing to worry about there. He said it’s too early to tell if I have any permanent damage though. That I have another month or two of physical therapy until I’ll really be able to tell.

Not quite what I wanted to hear.

He had me do some range of motion stuff. I can do them, but damn, some of them hurt. A lot. Especially the ones involving my right arm. My left hip and leg hurt me more over the longer term. Walking, standing, sitting…

He asked me if the therapy was helping. I told him I thought it was some. I couldn’t tell him how long relief lasts though. Probably not through the commute back to St. Pete if I’m really honest. I know my hip and leg are usually sore again by the time I get home.

He told me I need to heal like an athlete.

No going to the gym after work. (As if I go anyway, but you get the idea.) No heavy lifting.

Go home, apply ice packs. After an hour or so, apply heat packs. Once I’m nice and toasty, have my husband (ha!) rub menthol lotion/gel all over my back, and go to bed.

I asked if I could ride my bike. He said with the posture, it probably wasn’t the best idea. Leaning over and looking up automatically puts strain on my neck, which gets mighty sore by the end of the day. But he said it was Ok as long as I listen to my body. So I’ll keep doing short rides here and there. Last week’s Critical Mass was too much…

But if I overdo it in any form, I’m basically undoing the therapy and I’ll never heal. So I need to take it easy.

I have to keep in mind that a few months of doing this beats a lifetime of injury because I’m too stubborn to slow down and take care of myself.

Hopefully sometime in December, I’ll be feeling more normal.

Living Daringly