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I Saved a Bee Today

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After the primary elections I got a near 4-day weekend. Friday I tried for the beach, but I didn’t check the weather beforehand. I got to hang out a bit before the rain came, but thunder pulled me out of the water. I didn’t see lightning, but in the lightning strike capital of the United State I’m wasn’t going to play dice with the universe.

So I went, dipped my body in the Gulf of Mexico a bit, looked for shells for awhile, felt the beach breeze on my face, and left.

Books & Breakfast (a great combo)

Saturday I attended a work event in the morning: the Dream Defenders Books and Breakfast. It was such a wonderful event. I met so many beautiful people. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority did a backpack giveaway for kids, and there was also a book giveaway. I took home Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. We shared delicious breakfast catered by LivyO’s. It was hot and muggy, but there was a great program centered on public education that everyone appreciated (even if we didn’t want to hear all of the data that was shared – public education in FL is scary business right now).

I took a decently long nap after that. And a shower. Not sure which order that happened in…

Personal Art Therapy (??)

Later in the evening, I decided to make space to help process some negative energy I’ve been carrying. So I created a mixed media art journal entry. Below is a progression of the piece. I started with the emotions I identified that I was feeling. Then I painted and marked, carved and scratched. Then I transformed those emotions with paint and collage to symbols and words of power.

I’m still in a bit of a funk with what that entry is about, but it did help a bit…

Beach Reboot & Bee Saving

This morning I rebooted my beach attempt. The weather was clear. It was hot and sunny, and the water felt refreshing when I got in. I floated on my back and let Mother Ocean support me and carry away some of my woes. I alternated between walking and floating in the water and beach combing. I really miss the shells of the Pacific Ocean. I found some really cool ones when I lived in Okinawa. I also regretted not bringing my snorkel and mask. I meant to bring them but forgot.

At one point, when I was back on shore, I saw a honeybee. It would sit on the sand for a bit, then it would fly erratically. I thought it might need some water, so I poured some in a seashell for it. But when I put the seashell close, it flew away erratically. Not far, but it seemed confused or afraid. Finally, I decided I was going to try to pick it up and take it back to where the beach vegetation was (some 50 yards away). I scooped her up and hoped she wouldn’t sting me. I put a shell over her so she wouldn’t fly away. I walked back to where the cucumber-leaf sunflowers were, and I put her on one. She stayed there. She moved her abdomen up and down on the flower, so I think she might have been getting some much needed nectar from it.

There was a big patch of these where I put her, by one of the
boardwalk bridges that crosses over the dunes from the
street parking.

I wished her luck and to be well and walked away. She didn’t sting me that whole walk, even though she was right on my thumb. I like to think she knew that I was trying to help.

This happening today reminded me of an art journal entry I did a while back. The Beatles sure were smart.

Let It Bee mixed media journal entry

Closing Up

Tomorrow it’s back to work. Even with a 4-ish day weekend, I’m still feeling tired. I feel like I could use another week off. I have it: paid time off. I need to get some of it on the calendar soon.

Wishing everyone rest and revolutionary love!!

Living Daringly