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New Cycling & Other Habits

Today was my first day doing a partial bike commute to work. Nearly 10 miles each way!!

While riding I felt good. In areas where the bike lane ran out, people gave me space. I didn’t feel overly tired during the day, and I only ate granola bars and a couple of pastries. (I need to take healthier food to eat more substantially.)

With that, it’s 8:00 now and I’m tired. I guess that’s a good thing, but I’ll need to get ahead of my workload so I can maintain the cycling. If I’m this tired every evening, I’m not going to get much done.

The cycling does take some planning. I get dressed in the morning, pack up my bike, and then when I arrive at the park I have to get dressed again. Bike helmet, gloves, water bottles on bike, attach pannier & handlebar bag. All of it takes a few minutes. I guess it’s an investment. I need to look at it that way.

Hopefully I won’t get lazy in the morning. 

I won’t ride every day. Some days I have evening meetings, and if I rode back I wouldn’t get home until 10:o0 p.m. Other days I may have appointments. If it’s raining when it’s time to leave, I’m not going to ride.

But overall, I hope to ride the vast majority of days.

With the cycling habit, I’ve also kept my yoga habit up for a few weeks. I’m practicing at night. It’s been working. Write, asana, meditate. 

I’m also on Day 6 of no eating out / no booze. Success on all fronts. Both have been a challenge. Not eating out was a challenge over the weekend, as I often like to get brunch. No booze was challenging at a friend’s going away party where nearly everyone else was drinking. It was also challenging after a long, hot bike ride.

So cheers to healthier habits and changing things whenever you want to change them!

Living Daringly