I’m not quite sure why I’ve been so tired. Grading is pretty much done. I’m mostly working during school hours. But on that drive home, I struggle to keep my eyes open. Very literally. Not the safest, but it is what it is.
Only six school days left. Seven if you count graduation day. And of those six, four of them are exam days which means students are off campus at 12:00.
So basically school is over. Yet, I’m so tired.
I’ve been napping nearly every afternoon when I get home. This, of course, means I don’t want to go to bed until later. So the cycle propagates. One nice thing that has come from this is the cats have been snuggling with me a lot. And sometimes Vélo wants to nibble my fingers when I wake up.
I’m preparing for my bike trip. Approximately 15 days left until I head up to Portland for that. My only real bike concern is getting my brakes right. They’ve been rubbing since I put the bike back together. I’ll get it fixed.
But tonight? I’m heading to bed early.
I’m doing a yoga retreat this weekend, so hopefully, that will help me relax and unwind too.
One more week until summer break…