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I’ve been thinking a lot about what solidarity looks like and should look like lately.

To me, it’s about valuing the power of collective voice. It’s about striving to empower our fellow humans.

Some have the idea that solidarity means blind loyalty. I disagree with that. Blind loyalty gets you in trouble. You ignore the flaws in the person or idea that you are loyal to. You might begin to adore the person/idea and lose sight of the overall mission: empowering our fellow humans.

Solidarity is holding others true to the mission. It’s being brave and standing up when we see injustice. It’s giving a voice to those who are being silenced.

Solidarity is also listening when people call you out on your bullshit. Which, of course, we all have. It’s reflecting and realizing sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes our words and actions disempower folks. And we can do better.

I’m most familiar with the idea of “solidarity” from the labor movement. I’ve been everything from a rank-and-file member to President of a union. I’ve sat on the bargaining committee, and I’ve been a Grievance Committee Chair winning grievances while sitting across from an attorney that made 10x what I did. I’ve experienced the power of collective voice in empowering Graduate Assistants and teachers. Now that I’m getting more involved in other forms of social justice, I’m experiencing the power of collective voice in even more areas.

And within these circles, I hear plenty of dissent. But I also hear people listening respectfully. I hear people calling folks out when they get too heated and cross lines that shouldn’t be crossed. I see people striving for understanding. I see people finding their place in things, even if it doesn’t jive with another’s ideas.

I see people working to empower each other. And I will raise my fist in solidarity for that every single day.

Living Daringly