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Strength That’s a Weakness

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And/or vice versa.


I’m a pretty passionate person, with ribbon of recovering cynic running through.


That passion runs through nearly everything. There are few conversations I can have without my passion pushing through (and sometimes the cynicism too). Sometimes to the point of overbearingness, oversharing, striving to be right instead of striving towards understanding …


I’m sitting here hours after a conversation I had earlier today. One that I got fired up in. One that left me with a vulnerability hangover. One of maybe oversharing. One of my emotions maybe flaring more than the conversation warranted…

I’ve had a lot of growth with my “emotional flare-ups” over the years. On the one hand, passion does seem to be part of my personality. On the other, it can leave me feeling alienated instead of connected.

I’m writing and sharing, because I’m guessing others have their own strengths that also feel like weaknesses. And sharing artwork to encourage folks to embrace the “strength” part of that nickel.

So what’s your strength that also feels like a weakness?

Closing Out

Wishing you
kind thoughts,
kind words, and
kind actions, intentions,
and love…

Living Daringly