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Summer Solstice 2015

I guess you know you are really a blogger when you haven’t posted for a week, and it feels like much longer.

Things have been busy in my world. Work and school (i.e. Ph.D.) have been dominating my time. I’m teaching summer school, but I’m also taking a couple of classes that go towards my teacher certification. On top of that, I’m in the process of writing manuscripts for my Ph.D. dissertation. One of them just went into review. The other will be submitted to the journal soon.

And the wheel keeps spinning. The spiral of life keeps turning.

So today is the summer solstice: the longest day of the year. Every day since December 21 has grown just a little bit longer, reaching the maximum today. Every day after today, until December 21, the days will get shorter. It’s a nice time to remember accomplishments from the year. I have so many things to be grateful for!

  • My new job.
  • Enjoying my new job.
  • Keeping it together when I have so much going on.
  • Being better at staying connected with friends through the busy-ness.
  • Making progress on my doctorate
  • Keeping my blog going.
  • Continuing to create.
  • Continuing to grow.
  • Continuing to challenge myself.
  • Feeling more and more like myself.
  • Embracing happiness.

Today is also Father’s Day, so I’m also thinking of Dad. Not too long ago, I think he might have been lurking around, checking in on me. I don’t specifically have that feel today, though he’s on my mind.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad.

Today I’m also thinking about the cycles of life. The ups, the downs, the in betweens. I’m investing time for friends, investing time for myself, and investing time in honoring this longest day that celebrates life.

Happy Midsummer!