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Self care

Bumps in the Road

bumps-in-the-road-576x399I’m accepting of the fact that I’m a recovering pessimist (more here). Most days I look at the bright side of life. I find the joy in the little things, and it feels wonderful.

But 20+ years of negative thinking are hard to shake, and sometimes I start falling into bad habits.Read More »Bumps in the Road

Changing Names

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Change-Quotes-10Yesterday the title of my name changed for the third time.

Technically it will officially change in December, at the end of the semester. After 5+ years, close enough.Read More »Changing Names


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challengechangeIf this is true, I’m definitely being changed right now. Probably for the better.

But that knowledge isn’t getting rid of the nervousness.Read More »Naked


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Without-enough-sleep-weThis morning, I should be running my first 15k.

Since I’m sitting her writing instead, you can probably guess I’m not.Read More »Trade-offs

Balanced in Chaos

09172015_Cold Remedy
Christy’s cold remedy. Soon-to-be in a store near you… 😉

I’ve worked as a high school teacher for about 6 full months now. It’s official: I have my first teacher cold.

But don’t worry. I’ve developed a time honored cold remedy that’s sure to knock it out quickly! Cider (or beer)*, ice cream, NyQuil (or generic alternatives), and cough drops.Read More »Balanced in Chaos