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Christy’s Bio


Christy Foust is a 45-year-old multipotentialite who developed a passion for creating and educating. She began her journey towards “living daringly” in her early 30’s during her divorce, after being inspired by Brené Brown‘s book Daringly Greatly. Christy grounds Living Daringly in the idea of empowerment through creativity and learning.

Throughout her youth and early post-secondary education, science and math were her main focus, with little thought to creativity. Through her mid-20’s she adopted different crafts as hobbies, adding more and more techniques and media to her creativity toolbox. Her natural curiosity led her through a 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2017, dip-pen calligraphy classes in 2019, crochet, beading and other jewelry crafts, leathercraft, and mosaics. When Covid shut the world down she participated in online art classes that helped her develop her drawing and introduced her to mixed-media journaling and mixed-media painting. While she continues to play with many different forms of creation, mixed-media painting is currently her favorite.

Along with developing her creative pursuits, her journey also allowed her to develop her teaching skills. She did this through teaching at the college level while earning a Masters and doctoral degree, and while teaching high school science after graduating. She’s facilitated classes, meetings, and workshops of different types with just a few folks up to 200 folks!

Through Living Daringly, Christy wants to empower people through creativity and learning. She offers original mixed-media art, prints, and art greeting cards to help folks remember their own power, inherent joy, and love. She loves her passion for education connects to her passion for creating with learning. To cultivate that, she offers yoga classes to help people connect with the present moment through breath work and body movement, ultimately empowering participants through learning more about themselves. In the near future she’ll be offering different art-focused classes to help bridge that gap as well! (What do you want to learn?)

Christy is originally from northwest Ohio and now lives in Saint Petersburg, FL (the ancestral home of the Tocobago, Seminole, and Miccosukee indigenous people) with her three cats. Christy’s ancestors come from across Europe, but include; English, German, Irish, and Dutch. In addition to creating art and working towards empowering herself and those around her, she is committed to living daringly and loving radically.

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3 thoughts on “Christy’s Bio”

  1. Hi Christy, I came upon your blog by chance when I was checking out Lori Petty, looking for a movie to watch on Crave! It linked me to your post about shaving your hair.

    I’m from Vancouver Canada, and I want send a big kudos to you for taking chances, pursuing your passions in your work, interests, wellness and everything else. I’m also a divorcee from 2009, am 53 years old, have two teenage sons, and am also going through life living as daringly as I can. My life looks different but it sounds like we are on similar paths. I wish you all the best from Canada!

    1. So glad you found me and reached out, Maureen!! If you’ve done the deed with your hair, I’d love to see it. I’ve been growing mine out lately. And thank you for the well wishes from Canada!! 🙂

  2. Hey Christy,

    This is Andy from college. I hope life finds you well these days. Shoot me an email to chat. Hope to hear from you soon,

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Living Daringly