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A 27% A+

A few weeks ago I was super excited about signing on to a hiking trip. (More here.) We started the trip on Monday, parked the… Read More »A 27% A+


I’m trying to start a new habit. I’ve already rebooted my morning practice of getting up early (before 7:30), a short asana (yoga) practice, followed… Read More »Listening

Self Promotion

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I like to make stuff. Lots of stuff. Leather goods, bike chain ornaments, watercolor and acrylic paintings, mixed media art, calligraphy, jewelry, mosaics… For a… Read More »Self Promotion

Inktober 2020

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Around this time last year I learned about Inktober. It’s an art challenge. Participants create an ink drawing each day during the month of October… Read More »Inktober 2020