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Single in Times of Trauma

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Mostly I like my single life. I like being able to go where I want without having to check in with anyone. I like not having arguments about not doing the dishes or not vacuuming. I like being a hermit when I want to be one.

But there are things about being single that are hard too.Read More »Single in Times of Trauma

Getting Hit By a Truck

Sitting at red light
Advancing forward at green
Lady ran red light

Sitting on sidewalk
Still rolling, hit brakes, stop
I’m ok, mostly

Climb, passenger door
Exit, shaking, shaking, breathe
Walking and talking

A blip on bumper
of SUV, a ding, dent
She thought she had green

Thank you, gratitude
“Could’ve been worse” – Damn, I know
Glad to walk awayRead More »Getting Hit By a Truck


These two things are true:

  1. My mental and physical health is precious and deserves care.
  2. I can’t get everything done for teaching three different classes with a total of 125 students during my normal workday, so I have to put in extra hours after.

But how to balance both truths.Read More »Dualities

Ok With Good

I have a lot of education articles that come across my newsfeed. I read some of them and am left with the thought, “Maybe I’m ok with just being good.”Read More »Ok With Good

Mistakes and Accountability

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Last Wednesday I messed up big with one of my classes.

It was getting close to time for the bell to ring. I checked the cabinet with the tablets and one was missing.

“Oh no. Not again.” Someone had truly taken one on Monday. I got it back, but I thought it was happening all over again.Read More »Mistakes and Accountability

Cycling Pet Peeves

I know the U.S. is a million miles behind certain cities in Europe regarding bicycling infrastructure and etiquette. But as I ride more and more, I keep finding certain things drivers do to be infuriating.

Read More »Cycling Pet Peeves