Day 5-Hallelujah a Tailwind
We “lost” 10 miles yesterday and stopped early at Gîte du Domaine-Joseph Ross. We decided to try to recoup those miles today, for a total of 57 miles. Our longest day if we don’t have to make up any miles, and my longest mileage in a day to date. (57 miles!)Read More »Day 5-Hallelujah a Tailwind
Day 4-Windy and Rolling Hills
We left Matane at 9:30. It was inthe low 40s and soon after returning to the main road a headwind greeted us.
That headwind was the theme for the first 2/3 of the trip. Read More »Day 4-Windy and Rolling Hills
Day 2-Cold, Wet, Hilly
We finally got packed up and rolling at 10 a.m. It was overcast and 46F.
Our first hurdle was an extremely steep hill out of the camping site.
Day 1-Good Beginning Ends Cold and Wet
After months of planning, bike building, and training, it’s finally happening! We’re on our way on our Gaspésie bike tour!Read More »Day 1-Good Beginning Ends Cold and Wet
Au Canada
We made it to Canada! I replaced most of my missing clothing and gear on Saturday, and we left Portland, ME around 9 am yesterday.Read More »Au Canada
Adventure in the Mundane
I came to Portland a couple of days before my bike tour departure date to put my bike together and to check out the city. With that in mind, my time here has been a success! But hasn’t gone down quite like I imagined before I left. Read More »Adventure in the Mundane
The Adventure Begins
I’m heading writing from the road in Portland, ME! (Please forgive any weird formatting, as I’m writing from my phone.)
I didn’t expect the real adventure to start until Monday, the day I start the actual bike tour. I guess the universe didn’t want me to wait!