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Moving On

I went and picked up all of the stuff that was in the Yaris. CDs, license plate, faculty hang tag, protest poster. Probably the last time I’ll ever see that car. Perhaps stupid, but I cried.

Shoot, who am I kidding? I’m crying now.

Stupid to be attached to a car when you walk away with your life and body intact. But I’ve had that car for a long time. Seven years. It’s a 2008, but I picked it up early in 2011.

The only reason I was able to buy it outright was because my grandpa died and left me enough inheritance to buy it. And that car was a true blessing. My ex-husband said he’d keep up the payments on my previous car after the divorce. But he didn’t. I lost my VW Beetle, and I bought a piece of shit lemon that lasted about 2 weeks. I was going to try to go without a car. I challenged myself to make it work. I had a part-time job to help supplement my income, and I had no idea how I was going to be able to do the 1.5 hour, one-way bus commute to get there. I didn’t end up having to do that.

I felt really guilty feeling happy to get that money, but it gave me freedom. We so often take for granted being able to go wherever we want, whenever we want. It’s not something to be taken lightly.

While I was in the car, I saw glass all over the floor. I opened up all of the little nooks and crannies to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. There was glass in a compartment behind my steering wheel. I used to throw my extra keys in there when I was shopping, so I didn’t have to carry the whole wad. How did glass get in a closed compartment? My driver’s side mirror lay on the floor of the car, where I put it after picking it up off the street. It was in pieces.

Better it than me. But I’m still not all together after the accident.

Tomorrow I go to the doctor and to talk to a lawyer. Hopefully I’ll find out my financial situation in a couple of days, and I can work towards getting my new-to-me car. I’m still scared about the financial stuff. I hope it works out that I can get a relatively new, mechanically sound car.

If you want to help on that front, please buy a piece of art or my handmade jewelry or crafts from my shop. You get a one-of-a-kind item, and you help to support me as well. Thank you!

1 thought on “Moving On”

  1. I felt much the same way after wrecking my white Prius; I’d driven it over 400,000 miles in 11 years and was hoping it’d last forever, but instead I had to go through that sorry ritual of collecting my debris. After you get your next car, you’ll settle right in. Good luck!

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