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A Long Way from Ohio

planSince I moved, I often do an evening walk along the Bay. The other night it occurred to me just how far from Ohio I am nowadays.

The physical distance is 1,100 miles. My route, both physical and spiritual, has been much more convoluted along the road less traveled.Read More »A Long Way from Ohio


hurdlesPerforming some acts of courage is like running hurdles. You build up to the jump. You mentally prepare yourself and put your leg out to sail over, hoping to clear the landing and keep on running after you’ve crossed it.Read More »Hurdles


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Mom Me_Sunken Gardens
Mom, me, and daisies at Sunken Gardens.

I hope all of the readers in the U.S. had a safe and wonderful Independence Day weekend.

And to all of my readers, Happy Blogiversary! has been up and going for three years now!Read More »Celebrations

At-home Tourist

Cool doors to a crypt in Greenwood Cemetery

This summer is the first chunk of time I’ve had off with no obligations in years. Perhaps even a decade.

However long, it’s been a long time….Read More »At-home Tourist


I find as I grow more familiar with my new hometown, I’m developing a sense of pride about living here. As I explore, I find… Read More »Pride