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Day 17-100 Day Challenge

I’ve felt good today. I got what I needed to at work, and I also got a bit caught up with some homework for a program I’m in right now: the Anne Braden Anti-Racist Organizer Program. Work had been more hectic than usual for the past couple of weeks, so I got behind. It felt good to be able to dig into more of the readings this week, anyway.

We were supposed to have storms move in this evening. They stayed north of here, but I made sure I got outside a bit before they were supposed to hit. There are a ton of fern fiddleheads growing along the sides and back of my backyard. So need to see them unfurl.

I was also able to make time to work on a creation I started a few days ago. I’m still whittling away at my second comfort bird (mentioned here). With this little mushroom, I was looking for some “instant” gratification. Something small that I’d finish faster. It’s still not finished. I have some finishing touches I want to do with it (e.g. some details and sanding, maybe some color). I made it without a real template, so I’m pretty proud of that. Just sketched a plan on with a pen and started cutting.

As far as the dress goes, I got my first stain. I don’t know what I dropped on myself, but it bleached the dress just a little. I read that you could take alcohol and pull dye from the surrounding fabric into the bleached area. I tried it, but it didn’t really work. I may try some visible mending to cover it. Or just live with it for now, as probably no one else will even notice it. I do think it’s ironic that I don’t know what I dropped on it. Oh, well. Entropy always wins.

So here’s to Day 17.

Artwork behind me be Nicole Justin

At the end of my Anne Braden Anti-Racist Organizer session today, the facilitators played this video by Mona Haydar. I thought it was badass, so I’m sharing that here too!

Living Daringly